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Lease To Own A
Home Today

Dream Builder is a unique Homeownership Empowerment program which enables an FHA Eligible Government Entity to purchase a home which can ultimately be yours, while providing housing stability and equity creation.

The Dream Builder lease to own program lets you select the home you want and start building equity right away even though you don't currently qualify for a traditional mortgage at this time.

With only 3.5% down (plus closing costs) you will have a fully amortized mortgage that reduces the amount owed on the home every month.

In the future, you can refinance the home into a traditional mortgage or sell the home and you retained all the growth in equity.

Talk to one of our senior loan specialists for more information and begiing your home ownership opportunity today.

These materials are not from HUD or FHA and were not approved by HUD or a government agency and in some cases a refinance loan might result in higher finance charges over the life of the loan.